Meet our leadership
Say hello to the team at Sturgis Missionary Church. Got questions for the lead team at SMC? Contact us by clicking here.
Ministry Team
Joshua Brueck
lead pastor
Pastor Joshua joined the Sturgis Missionary Church team in 2018. He committed his life to serving Christ at age 20.
After studying at Calvary Chapel Bible College, he served in an apologetics ministry and as an Assistant Pastor. He then earned his degree in Bible and Ministry from Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana.
As lead pastor of SMC, Joshua desires to help people know, love and follow God by encouraging reflective and critical thinking while using biblical principles in personal experiences and connecting scriptural truths to all areas of life.
Joshua and his wife Carrie enjoy raising their three children on their farm in Centreville, Michigan.
Karen McKeith
CHILDREN'S ministry coordinator
Karen has been involved in Sturgis Missionary Church's Kids Ministry for many years and has come on staff part time as our director of Children's Ministry. She oversees all of the ministries to children through grade five at SMC.
Joel & Brittney Eichorn
youth ministry coordinators
Joel and Brittney Eichorn have led the middle and high school youth at Sturgis Missionary Church since 2016. They have three children, and they love to help teens have a growing relationship with Jesus and to equip them to live out the gospel message for the rest of their lives.
Trish Woods
office & CONNECTIONS coordinator
Trish Woods supports all functions of Sturgis Missionary church. She has been part of the Connection Ministry at Sturgis Missionary Church since 2002. She and her late husband Paul raised three children and have three grandchildren.
More Ministry Team Coordinators
- Anna Camburn - Communications
- Jared & Hannah Eirchorn - Young Adults
- Patrick Camburn - Worship
- Peggy Modert - Women's Ministry
Elected Offices
Elder / deacon board
- Heather Hartong - Deaconess (Chairman)
- Ardi Eichorn - Elder
- Carrie Brueck - Deaconess
- Eric Ruckert - Elder
- Vickie Eichorn - Deaconess
- Brian Lash - Trustee (Chairman)
- Brittney Eichorn - Trustee
- Jared Eichorn- Trustee
- Patrick Camburn - Trustee
Have a church maintenance issue to report? Contact the head trustee here.
Church Board
- Eric Ruckert -Elder (Chairman)
- Brian Lash - Trustee
- Heather Hartong- Deaconess
- Joshua Brueck - Pastor
- Kelly Storch - Treasurer
- Ken Mills- Member-at-Large
- Lindsay Lash- Secretary
Finances Committee
- Jim Modert - Financial Secretary (Chairman)
- Jason Hartong - Assistant Financial Secretary
- Joshua Brueck - Pastor
- Kelly Storch - Treasurer
Nominating committee
- Ardi Eirchorn- Elder/Deacon Board
- Heather Hartong- Elder/Deacon Board
- Joshua Brueck- Pastor
- Peggy Modert- Nomination
- Sarah Snyder- Nomination