Women's Ministry

Sturgis Missionary Church Women’s Ministry provides various opportunities for women of all ages.

Sturgis Missionary Church Women's Ministry

Sturgis Missionary Church's Women’s Ministry brings together women of all ages together for friendship and spiritual development. They strive to reach out to others with encouragement and support each other as they move through their daily lives. The SMC Women's Ministry resolves to communicate God's love as demonstrated through Jesus; life, death and resurrection.

Women's Sushi Making Event, 2021

The SMC Women's Ministry plans about one special event per month, focused on connecting with each other, serving the community, or aiding in missions. All women and teen girls are invited to attend our events. Some events may require a sign up. This can be done by filling out the form below, or by signing up on the bulletin board in the Connection Hub lobby at SMC.

The ladies also get together monthly for Girls' Night Out where they gather at various local restaurants to have dinner and chat.

2025 Women's Ministry Events

Please note: dates and times are subject to change.

Please watch the SMC bulletin for information, and sign up to attend events at the SMC Connection Hub wall, or by filling out the contact form below. All events are free of charge and held at Sturgis Missionary Church unless otherwise noted. Friends are welcome to attend!

  • January - Women's Planning Meeting
  • February - Comedy Night
  • March - Craft Night
  • Monday, April 14 @ 6:30 pm - Growing with God - Hannah Eichorn owner of Holy Hill Farm will be sharing some seed starting tips and tricks with us. Leave with your own mini greenhouse. Please sign up at the connection hub bulletin board. Ladies can bring seeds to share if they would like. We will also have some available.
  • Saturday, May 3 @ 10 am - Ladies' Tea Party - Join us for a tea party and brunch at SMC! Bring your friends, mothers, daughters, etc.
  • Tuesday, June 17 @ 6:15 pm - Progressive Dinner - Travel to various women's homes for each course of a meal! (Appetizer, Dinner, & Dessert). We will meet at the church at 6:15 pm to carpool.
  • Tuesday, July 15 @ 6:30 pm (tentative) - Murder Mystery Night - We’ll work to solve varying puzzles that unlock clues to figure out who is the guilty party.
  • Tuesday, August 19 @ 6:30 pm - Women's Worship Night - There will be snacks provided from 6:30-7:00 PM and worship will start promptly at 7:00 PM. Ladies, we look forward to worshipping with you! Bring a friend!
  • Tuesday, September 30 @ 6:30 pm - Mug-a-Friend Soup Supper - Yummy food and a guest missionary speaker. Bring your soup mugs, or we have extra.
  • Tuesday, October 21 @ 6:10 pm - Care & Share - Meet at SMC to carpool to St. John’s church to deliver the Care Packages for the homeless. While there we will hear from Diana Wells-Wilson about the work they are doing. Donations for the care packages will be collected from September 28 through October 12.
  • Tuesday, November 18 @ 6:30 pm - Christmas Ornament Craft Night - Make & Take a Christmas Ornament (choice of a Snowman, Reindeer or Grinch). Materials provided.
  • December 16 @ 6:30 pm - SMC Women's Christmas Ensemble Practice - Join the women's choir at the Christmas Eve Service. Our first practice will be on December 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.


SMC Women's Ministry also helps to several missionaries and projects including Youth for Christ Southwest Michigan, the Cluckie Family, and other individual needs. Collections are taken at our events to help us with expenses and financial support for these missionaries and other causes.

2025 Fundraisers & Other Activities

Care Package Ministry: Donations will be collected from September 28 through October 12. The care packages will be given to the homeless in our area.

Angel Tree Ministry: Donations will be collected from November 30 through December 14. Donations (cash or checks) may be done through Trish in the church office, through your regular giving by noting your desired amount to be given to the Angel Tree Ministry or via PayPal. See flier for details.

Women's Soup & Bonfire Night, 2021

Leadership Team

  • Peggy Modert - Director
  • Trish Woods - Treasurer
  • Karen Mills - Missions Leader
  • Vicki Eichorn - Secretary

If you are interested in joining or want more information about upcoming women's ministry events, get in touch with Women's Ministry Director Peggy Modert by filling out the form below.